Pokémon GO – How to Get XL Candies

Pokémon GO – How to Get XL Candies

With the introduction of the Pokémon GO Beyond update, there are a bunch of new ways to power up your character and all of your Pokémon. One of the biggest is the new XL Candy, which can be used to power up Pokemon beyond the normal level cap of 40 up to 50, just like your character. But even if upgrading your character takes a lot of time and effort, all you need for the Pokémon is a part of the new XL Candy. Here's how to get XL Candy in Pokémon GO.

What are XL Candy

But first, let's explain how XL Candy works. As described above, these are special Pokémon candies that allow you to go beyond the previous limit of 40. Once you have some for a particular species, all you need to do is l turn on completely, then you can start using XL Candy to go even higher. However, you will need some XL Candy and Stardust to do this, so use it sparingly, and only with Pokemon you intend to use for Raids or PvP.

How to get XL Candy

So, since it's so rare and valuable, how do you get XL Candy in Pokémon GO? It's simple, but also quite random. Most activities that reward regular candy can also reward XL Candy. However, you also need to be level 40 or higher to get it. In the meantime, be sure to level up fast so you can start stocking up on XL Candy for all your favorite Pokemon.

Once you reach level 40, you will start getting XL Candy through the following activities. The former can reward you with an XL Candy while the others display ranges if applicable...

  • Catch a Raid Pokemon
  • Trade a Pokemon
  • Transfer Pokemon
  • Catch a Pokemon – 0-3 XL Candy
  • Hatch from an egg – up to 16 for a 5 km egg, or 24 for a 10 km egg

You can also convert all of your stored regular candies into XL Candy at a rate of 100 to 1. If you have a lot of Magikarp or Dratini Candy for example, you can swap them out and get a few XL Candy instead. Additionally, using a Mystery Box can net you up to 18 Meltan XL Candies, so be sure to use them when you can. And these are all the tips on how to get XL Candy in Pokémon GO.

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