Where to find Sludge Bomb TM in Pokémon Sparkling Diamond and Sparkling Pearl Franklin Bellona Borges | November 29, 2021 Find out where to find Sludge Bomb TM in Pokémon Sparkling Diamond and Pokémon Sparkling Pearl

Where to find Sludge Bomb TM in Pokémon Sparkling Diamond and Sparkling Pearl Franklin Bellona Borges | November 29, 2021 Find out where to find Sludge Bomb TM in Pokémon Sparkling Diamond and Pokémon Sparkling Pearl

At a time Shiny Diamond Pokémon et Shining Pearl Pokémon, players can obtain a wide variety of abilities, which are sure to help them on their journey to complete their Pokédex and become Pokémon Masters. That said, now we are going to tell you where to find Sludge Bomb TM in Pokémon Sparkling Diamond and Pokémon Sparkling Pearl.

Where to find Sludge Bomb TM in Pokémon Sparkling Diamond and Sparkling Pearl

You can find Sludge Bomb TM in Pokémon Sparkling Diamond and Pokémon Sparkling Pearl both in the Galactic Warehouse, located in Veilstone City, and in the Battle Park area, only available in the post-game.

Where to find the TM Mud Bomb on the Galactic Warehouse

To find the Sludge Bomb TM in the Galactic Warehouse, you must first go to the building, located on Veilstone City. Once inside, you need to take the stairs north of the entrance. After going down, go straight until you reach another set of stairs. Go up and then head for the other staircase on the right. Once in the upper area, head to the portal on the left, then head to the lower one, which will take you to another set of stairs. Go through them and then head back to the portal on the left. After leaning into the portal, head up another set of stairs to the right, then head up another one to the left. After that, just head left then down to get the Sludge Bomb TM.

Where to find the Sludge Bomb TM in Battle Park

You can find the Sludge Bomb TM located on the Battle Park by simply heading to the building north of the entrance to the area. Enter the building through the door on the right and head to Departures, Reception, where you can purchase a Sludge Bomb TM for 80 BP.

Both Shiny Diamond Pokémon et Shining Pearl Pokémon are available now, exclusively for the Nintendo Switch. If you don't know which version to get, don't forget to check the main differences between Pokémon Sparkling Diamond and Sparkling Pearl.

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