When does Assassin's Creed Infinity take place?

When does Assassin's Creed Infinity take place?

Assassin's Creed Infinity is Ubisoft's rumored but unconfirmed next entry in the popular series. Rumors of Infinity being the next title started in 2021 when the title of the game was leaked. It's unclear if Assassin's Creed Infinity will be the official title, but it's the name Ubisoft used during development. According to multiple reports, Infinity will be bringing multiple Assassin's Creed titles together so players can enjoy various franchise entries in one place. It is rumored that Assassin's Creed Infinity will be a live service title, although this is not yet confirmed. Naturally, with such a departure from previous games, fans have many questions about Assassin's Creed Infinity. Like when will Infinite take place?

When does Assassin's Creed Infinity take place?

Since Assassin's Creed Infinity is only a rumor at this point, there is no definitive information on the time period of the game. If the rumors of Infinity being a collection of sorts are true, it stands to reason that multiple time periods of time will be included. Whether that means eras the franchise has visited before, or entirely new eras, remains to be seen.

More information about the game will likely be revealed at some point in 2023 or 2024. Timeframes will likely be known then.

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