What is the maximum trade distance in Pokemon Go?

What is the maximum trade distance in Pokemon Go?

Pokemon GO players are still using the excellent experience trading feature and many will frequently work out what they want to trade to prepare for the big battles ahead. Of course, there are a few caveats with the trading system and one of them is that you need to be within a certain distance of another player in order to trade. This guide article will tell you everything you need to know about how the feature works and of course the max trade distance in Pokémon Go.

Maximum negotiation distance in Pokemon Go

To trade with other players, you will need to be within 100 yards, which is roughly the length of a smaller sized football field. The max trading distance still gives you enough leg room to trade with people a little further away, maybe in another building or something similar, which will definitely allow you to trade with others that you can't really see right away. However, with the distance you get, this means you still need to be fairly close, which can cause issues when trying to trade with others.

Still, for all the benefits trading gives you, whether it's getting the Pokémon you need or more, there are always good reasons to trade with other players when you need it. can. To trade, you will only have to go to your friends list when you are close to the person you are trading with as a friend. Then you can just tap on the trainer and then tap "Trade", in which case you can freely trade with the other player.

Pokémon GO is available to download now and is playable for free on IOS and Android.

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