Switching from console to PC in Fortnite: tips, tricks and adjustment

Switching from console to PC in Fortnite: tips, tricks and adjustment

It's no surprise that the PC is the best platform for playing shooting games. It has the most controller support compared to consoles, more games, more active playerbases, and overall just more customization. If you're considering switching from console to PC to play games like Fortnite, here are some ways you can adapt.

Switching from console to PC in Fortnite: tips, tricks and getting started

Depending on the console you used to play Fortnite on and now on PC, there may be a considerable jump, mainly in terms of performance. If you've upgraded from a Nintendo Switch, that'll be a whopping $30 at a variable rate depending on how powerful your rig is.

You're going to want to get used to the fluidity of the game, given that PCs can support frame rates above 120 FPS. Speaking of smoothness, the transition won't happen if you're not used to watching higher frame rates. Everything will feel faster, and you'll also have to get used to different input response times.

These response times are mainly due to the fact that you are most likely using a different monitor for a PC than you were using when playing on a console. The refresh rate on your monitor is likely higher than the TV you were using to game on your other console. Input lag and delay are also a thing, so you will need to adjust these settings to minimize them.

Apart from frame rates, you can also modify your favorite controller. Are you still going to play controller or are you going to switch to mouse and keyboard? Switching means you'll have to re-familiarize yourself with sensitivity and play without aim assist. Although you make the sacrifice with m&k, you can fine-tune your DPI, which is more precise than adjusting dead zones and sensitivity on a controller.

The main difference with frame rates and graphics aside is that you will be able to rotate your character faster. You can't get your character to 360 on a console as fast as you can on a mouse and keyboard. However, this means you are either throwing your mouse very far or just having a very high DPI. Basically, an m&k setup means more freedom when it comes to link setup and sensitivity.

Also, expect more people to think you're cheating when you can land skill hits more consistently and flip faster. It will be a fun experience in itself.

Fortnite is free on PlayStation 4 and 5, Xbox One and Series consoles, PC, Nintendo Switch and mobile.

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