How to Get the Trespasser Exotic Handgun in Destiny 2

How to Get the Trespasser Exotic Handgun in Destiny 2

Destiny 2 is going to get a lot of attention this week as haunting season is about to begin. There will be countless fans lining up in virtual servers to start experiencing all that the final season has to offer players. Of course, when a new season arrives, there's new season pass content to unlock. This time around, among many other rewards, players will be able to obtain the Destiny 2 Intruder Exotic Sidearm. This guide will tell you everything you need to know about how to acquire the illustrious handgun.

How to Get the Intruder in Destiny 2

The Trespasser Exotic handgun can be unlocked immediately when you enter the new season if you have the paid season pass. Just start Destiny 2 with it and you can grab it at 1 level without any hassle. Otherwise, if you do not have the paid subscription, you can get the handgun for free when you reach level 35.

This exotic handgun has a lot of history and lore behind it. That's because it's Shiro-4's sidearm, so Destiny lore fans will be sure to go into a frenzy trying to get this weapon as soon as they can. Whether you're leaving lightning scorched marks on the environment around you or simply adding another Exotic to your collection, the Trespasser offers it all.

Those who acquire the Trespasser Exotic through the paid season pass will receive the Intruder Catalyst and “Nightmare” Season Pass Ornament upon reaching level 100. It's time to add this weapon to your growing arsenal of varied firearms.

Other Season Pass rewards for Season of the Haunted

As for the other Season Pass rewards for the paid version, you'll even get access to the Seasonal Story Missions that will be arriving for players throughout the Haunted Season. Also there are 100 awards that you will get as you progress through the Season Pass. These rewards range from Legendary Gear, Exotic Engrams, Hard-to-Earn Items, and more.

For example, there is a emote which is only unlockable with the season pass. This means that if you want to get all of the emotes in the game, you'll need to purchase the Season Pass to acquire it. Either way, being able to unlock the ornament earlier than rank 100 is a huge plus.

Not to mention the fact that unlocking the Trespasser handgun early in the season will allow you to experience what it feels like to shoot before many others have the chance. Definitely a great range of rewards on offer for the Paid Season Pass!

Destiny 2 is available now on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Google Stadia and PC.

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