Puce 53 - Participate in lifting the disco ball in an abandoned mountain villain's lair: Decryption Challenges Puces

    The Decryption of the day will make you dance in the middle of the ruins!

    The challenge of decryption de Fortnite of the day has a rather complex title: Participate in lifting the disco ball in an abandoned mountain villain's lair. The hardest part of this challenge is to decipher what the game expects of us. Fortunately, we explain everything to you and you can get your hands on the chip 53 !

    The villain's hideout is east of Snobby Shore.

    Puce 53 - Participate in lifting the disco ball in an abandoned mountain villain's lair: Decryption Challenges Puces

    In this abandoned building embedded in the mountain is a disco ball, attached to a post at ground level. Just dance next to her to activate her, and she'll rise up the pole. Once the disco ball has reached the top, Chip 53 will appear. Pick it up, and don't forget to go to the options to decrypt it before the end of the game.

    Puce 53 - Participate in lifting the disco ball in an abandoned mountain villain's lair: Decryption Challenges Puces
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