Pokemon Sword & Shield: How To Reset Raids | Max Raid Farming Tips & Shapeshifter Location Guide

    Pokemon Sword & Shield: How To Reset Raids | Max Raid Farming Tips & Shapeshifter Location Guide
    Pokemon Sword & Shield: How To Reset Raids | Max Raid Farming Tips & Shapeshifter Location Guide

    Max Raids is an exciting and infuriating new feature in Pokemon Sword and Shield. It's great to be able to battle the giant Pokemon online with up to three other friends, but it's ridiculously boring if you want to capture one of the few Pokemon that only appear in Max Raids - rare Pokemon like Ditto. .

    If you want to capture one of these rare Pokémon, there are two ways to speed up the process. You can “reset” raids in different ways: you can optionally ignore unwanted raids, spawn new raids, and completely speed up the raiding process. It's important to know how raids spawn in order to get as many rare Pokemon as possible.

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    What are Max Raids?

    Max Raids are four cooperative Trainer Battles where you and three players can work together to battle a giant-sized Dynamax Pokemon. Max Raids can have between 1 and 5 stars, with 5 stars being the hardest. With a higher rating, Max Raid Pokémon can attack multiple times in a row or generate shields to absorb attacks.

    Max Raids spawn in Wilds – interact with Pokémon Dens marked with beams of light. Swirling beams of light indicate that a Gigantamax Pokemon (Special Dynamax Variant) is located in the den.

    You can also spawn Max Raids at specific locations with Wishing Pieces. Find a map of all Max Raid locations here.

    How to Reset Raids

    Max Raids are reset under a number of conditions. Some players believe raids can be reset by switching from an online connection to a local connection, but that doesn't seem to be the case. There are other methods that can help you reset raids.

    • All Max Raid reset at 00:00 everyday. Changing the Nintendo Switch internal clock will not change when Max Raids resets.
      • All max raids will be reset, even the ones you farm. It's a 24 hour interval if you want to clear raids and don't want (or can't) complete.
    • supplementing all max raids in the Wilds will add more Max Raids to random locations.

    None of these methods are particularly useful for clearing Max Raids you don't want to complete. There is a way to do this - using Wish pieces. By depositing Wishing Coins into Pokémon Dens, you can "crush" the current Max Dens.

    For example: If you have two maximum densities available in Wilds, use Wishing Pieces to complete two maximum densities, you will reset Wilds densities.

    This method doesn't always work, and you'll still need to complete the same number of Pokemon Dens, but you'll be able to choose the locations and (hopefully) make better Dens.

    Where to find Wishing Pieces

    Wish Pieces are essential to farming Max Raid Dens. These are rare items and you can only get them in a few ways.

    • You'll find one in Dappled Grove, Motostoke Riverbank, and Wyndon Stadium.
    • Digger Brothers (Digging Duo) can randomly find wish pieces. Only the Good Brother can find Wishing Coins – you will need 500 watts per search.
    • Hikers and Fishermen will randomly give Wishing Coins when you give them 100 Watts.

    Wish Pieces are hard to find, but you'll earn a lot of Watts just by walking around and farming Pokemon Dens. Use these Watts on the Concentrated Digging Brother (NPCs are located near the Pokémon Wilds Nursery) to get Wishing Coins.

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