Pokemon GO TCG Hat Pikachu Spotlight Hour Guide: Perfect IV Stats and Shiny Chances

Pokemon GO TCG Hat Pikachu Spotlight Hour Guide: Perfect IV Stats and Shiny Chances

If you've done your best to get your hands on the latest exclusive Pikachu event in Pokemon GOyou'll have a better chance than ever when TCG Pikachu Hat makes its way to Spotlight Hour! Each week, Pokemon GO gives a Pokemon a special chance to shine brighter than ever before, and this upcoming event is pretty exciting to watch! Not only does it involve one of the most beloved Pokémon of all time, but it's an exclusive event, which makes it even more appealing.

Let's take a look and see if you'll be able to get your hands on one. TCG Pikachu Shiny Hat, as well as if they are good for battle with perfect IV stats. Here's all the information you'll need for this upcoming event!

TCG Hat Pikachu Spotlight schedule and bonus

If you're looking to get your hands on a lot of these special Pikachu, you'll be able to do so from Tuesday 28 June 18:00 p.m. to 19:00 p.m. local time. This schedule isn't changing, so you'll want to make sure you've set aside some time to go catch as many of those Pikachu as possible!

While you're on the go, catch as many Pikachu Hat TCG as you can, you'll also receive 2X catches stardust for every Pokemon you capture, you'll be able to start powering up new Pokemon, as well as trade and evolve more often. A great bonus to have, that's for sure!

Can the TCG Pikachu hat be shiny?

If you're looking to add another shiny Pokémon to your collection, you'll be pleased to know that the TCG Hat Pikachu can be brilliant, so you'll have to do whatever it takes to get your hands on one. You'll know you've encountered a Shiny with a few different visual cues, including a different shades of yellow, a flash of stars and an icon next to their name. With events, as well as Business hours, you'll have a better chance of getting your hands on one of these special mons. Make sure you have enough Pokeballs before this Spotlight Hour begins!

Perfect IV Stats for TCG Hat Pikachu

One thing to know about these special event versions of Pikachu is the fact that they can't evolve, so you might not find them very useful in more powerful leagues. However, if you're looking to do battle with other Pokemon in their CP range, you'll find that they're a very useful Pokemon all around, and with the right IV stats they can be a great addition to any game. crew.

  • CP maximum : 948
  • HP maximum : 99
  • Attack: 112
  • Defense: 96
  • Stamina 111

So even if they don't bring rewards for their sheer strength, they're still a great Pokemon to have on your team, especially if you pair them with Thunderclap and Wild Chargegiving you one of the best basic electric Pokemon to have on a less powerful team.

If you are looking to learn more about Pokemon GOmake sure you're listening to our helpful Guide sectionwhere we cover topics ranging from top counters and weaknesses to tackling Fairy-type Pokémon, Poison-type Pokémonas well as information on all new Ultra Beasts who are making their way into the game.

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