Pokemon Go Secrets of the Jungle: All Seek Zarude Special Research Tasks and Rewards

Pokemon Go Secrets of the Jungle: All Seek Zarude Special Research Tasks and Rewards

The “Search for Zarude” special search is now available in Pokémon GO to celebrate the upcoming movie, Pokémon the Movie: Secrets of the Jungle, which will be released worldwide on Netflix on October 8, 2021. “Search for Zarude” is a special search 5-part limited-time special that also rewards the new Mythical Pokémon Zarude like other Pokémon featured in the new movie.

In this guide, we're going to cover all of the tasks featured in this new Special Research, along with their rewards and the best ways to complete them. Once the "Search for Zarude" has been started, the Special Research can be completed at any time, however, it is much easier to complete each page when the "Secrets of the Jungle" event is active. Visit our press article for more information on the Pokémon GO: Secrets of the Jungle event.

Pokémon GO: Look for Zarude's Special Research Tasks

Search Zarude – Page 1

  • Catch 7 different species of Pokémon – 1x Sun Stone
  • Catch 7 Pokemon - Diglett Encounter
  • Take 3 snapshots of wild Ground-type Pokemon – 15x Pokéballs

Page completion rewards: 250x Stardust, 10x Nanab Berries and an encounter with Drilbur

The first page easily starts the special search "Search for Zarude". All you have to do is catch 7 different species of Pokemon, which will automatically complete the “Catch 7 Pokemon” task. 12 species of Pokémon are currently breeding with the "Secrets of the Jungle" event, not counting the Pokémon that are already breeding during the current Season of Mischief.

The 2 species you can easily get are Wobbuffet and Meowth, which will appear after taking an AR snapshot of one of your Pokemon. The other 5 species can simply be caught in the wild. You will also need to take 3 snapshots of wild Ground-type Pokemon by tapping the camera icon during a wild encounter. Diglett and Drilbur are currently the only Ground-type Pokémon appearing during this event, although they are both very common.

Search Zarude – Page 2

  • Make 5 Great Throws in a row – 5x Pinap Berries
  • Catch 10 Bug-type Pokemon – Dwebble Encounter
  • Take 3 snapshots of wild Bug-type Pokemon – 10x Large Balls

Page completion rewards: 250x Stardust, 10x Razz Berries & a Combee encounter

Large throws can be achieved by throwing a Pokéball directly at the inner colored circle when it is about half the size of the outer circle. Missing a throw, throwing a nice throw, or not getting any catch bonuses will all break that streak. Excellent pitches won't break your streak, however, as excellent pitches are considered harder to throw than great pitches. Bug-type Pokémon appearing during this event are Caterpie, Dwebble, and Combee.

Search Zarude – Page 3

  • Use 20 Berries to help catch Pokemon - Sunny Cherrim encounter
  • Catch 30 Grass or Bug-type Pokemon – Vilefeather Encounter
  • Take 3 snapshots of wild Grass-type Pokemon – 10x Large Balls

Page completion rewards: 500x Stardust, 10x Pinap Berries and a Nuzleaf encounter

30 Grass or Bug-type Pokemon may seem daunting, but the majority of Pokemon appearing during this event are Grass- or Bug-type, which means you'll complete this task in no time. Be sure to associate each Capture with a Berry to complete the "Use 20 Berries" task at once. It's worth noting that this task doesn't actually require you to catch the Pokemon, you can just tap on a Pokemon, give it a berry, and run while continuing to progress. Oddish and Cottonee are the Grass-type Pokémon appearing during "Secrets of the Jungle."

Search Zarude – Step 4

  • Defeat 6 Team GO Rocket Grunts - Ariados Encounter
  • Catch 15 Pokemon with Weather Boost - Butterless Encounter
  • Take 3 snapshots of Flying-type wild Pokemon – 10x Ultra Balls

Page completion rewards: 500x Stardust, 1x Poffin & a Rufflet encounter

Team GO Rocket Grunts can be fought by tapping Rocket Balloons that spawn above the player at 6 hour intervals, or by spinning black PokéStops. Team GO Rocket leaders won't progress through the quest, so unequip your Rocket Radar in your bag if you only want to encounter Grunts from Balloons. Jessie and James both count as grunts, which means you can progress the task twice from a balloon.

Weather Boosted Pokémon will have a current weather icon above their CP when encountered. To check which Pokémon types are currently Weather Boosted, tap the weather icon in the top right of the screen. Weather Boosted Pokémon are stronger and reward more Stardust upon capture. Flying-type Pokémon appearing during this event include Combee and Pidove.

Search Zarude – Step 5

  • Auto-Completed – 1000 XP
  • Auto-Completed – 1000 XP
  • Auto-Completed – 1000 XP

Page completion rewards: Zarude Encounter, 10x Zarude Candy & 1000 Stardust

The final stage of "Search for Zarude", like most Special Research involving Mythical Pokémon, ends automatically once the completion rewards from the previous page are used. You'll finally be able to catch Zarude like you would any other Pokemon encounter. Zarude can't be brilliant, it also cannot be traded, like most Mythical Pokémon obtained through Special Research in Pokémon GO. Congratulations! You have completed the "Search for Zarude".

Stay ahead of the game and prepare for more events in October with our guide to the October 2021 Spotlight Hours in Pokémon GO. Stuck fighting Team GO Rocket bosses? Visit our guide to beat Arlo, Cliff and Sierra in Pokémon GO.

Pokémon GO is available for free on mobile devices running Android and iOS.

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