Pokémon GO – How To Level Up Fast And Reach Level 40

Pokémon GO – How To Level Up Fast And Reach Level 40

Pokémon GO players around the world have spent the past four and a half years desperately trying to reach the current level cap of 40. Many have reached that point over the years, but many more haven't. . With the level cap set at 50 later this year, trainers definitely want to focus on increasing their XP to achieve that lofty goal of reaching level 40. And you'll want to do it quickly because there are rewards for reach it by the end of the year. To help you out, here's how to level up quickly and reach level 40 in Pokémon GO.

How to level up fast

For starters, now is a great time to quickly level up in the game, as a new event will kick off on November 18 at 13 PM PT, offering extra XP (up to double) for nearly everything you do. XP is earned in many ways when playing Pokémon GO, but some are much better than others. Catching and evolving Pokémon, hatching eggs, and earning a new Pokédex entry are all boosted from later today and through the end of the year, so simply playing the game more during this time will be daunting. a great help.

Catching Pokemon in these last few months will be a great way to earn lots of XP quickly, especially since they're likely to offer double the usual amount. If you have a Pokémon GO Plus device or the Poké Ball Plus, try to keep it active and connected as much as you can (and use a Lucky Egg if you have more). They will also spin Poké Stops for you, which will net you some XP. When you're trying to get as high as level 40, every little bit helps. If you can visit high-traffic areas safely, especially ones you've never been to in order to benefit from the new Poké Stop bonus, you can quickly rack up a lot of experience.

Besides bonuses, there are plenty of ways to earn tons of XP quickly. The best known is the mass evolution method. This is where you save cheap evolutions for easy-to-catch Pokémon, such as Pidgey, Rattata, Caterpie, and Weedle, or their later generation equivalents. Stock up enough so that it takes you around 30 minutes to run through them, use a lucky egg and try to rush as much as possible. Entering "evolve" in the search box of your Pokémon screen will show you all of those that are able to evolve, shortening the time it takes to sort them all out.

One thing you'll definitely want to do is keep an eye on your friendship level. Reaching Best Friend status earns you 100 XP (Ultra Friend earns 000). If you can watch this and time it correctly, you should use a lucky egg before completing the last gift transaction or other interaction so that it doubles. Then just finish the egg off with some evolutions. During the 50 Days of Friendship event, these levels will increase faster than usual, providing plenty of ways to earn XP.

Raids are also a source of tons of EXP (especially during the 12 Days of Friendship event). Using a Lucky Egg before one of these will give you a lot of extra experience, especially if you can chain raids together, like during a raid hour or some other event. Legendary Raids offer the most, so try to focus on them or other high level opponents. Attack as many as you can, making sure to check out our counter guides if you need help, and you should earn plenty of XP. In short, the way to level up quickly is to focus on completing all the tasks you can. Catching, evolving, battling, and winning raids are the best options. Supplement them with Lucky Eggs for even bigger bonuses than normal. But how much do you need to reach level 40?

How to reach level 40

Each new level in Pokémon GO requires a lot of extra EXP to level up. It's not a linear progression, so reaching level 39 may seem close, but you still have a long way to go. In total, you will need 20 million EXP to reach level 40 in the game. The last step is to earn 5 million experience after reaching level 39, which only required 3 million EXP for its level above 15 million. So a quarter of all the XP you need in the game comes from level 39 to 40. The XP increases at the end of this year will be a big help here, making you feel less to be a steep and more stable climb. progress, but you still have work to do, depending on where you are currently. Here are the last 5 levels and how much XP they need…

Level 36 – Earn 1,5 million EXP
XP total – 7,5 millions

Level 37 – Earn 2 million EXP
XP total – 9,5 millions

Level 38 – Earn 2,5 million EXP
XP total – 12 millions

Level 39 - 3 million EXP
XP total – 15 millions

Level 40 - 5 million EXP
XP total – 20 millions

Hopefully this explains how to level up quickly and reach level 40 in Pokémon GO.

– This article was last updated on: November 18, 2020

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