Pokémon Go Fest 2021 – How to Get Lots of XP

Pokémon Go Fest 2021 – How to Get Lots of XP

Pokémon GO Fest 2021 is upon us and people will be out during the two-day event to catch all kinds of Pokémon. Major events like this are great opportunities to get lots of XP to help you level up. Unfortunately, Niantic hasn't implemented any kind of double XP for anything during the event, but the event is still great for you to level up and this guide will give you some tips for racking up lots of XP. during Pokémon GO Fest 2021.

How to get a lot of XP

There are many ways to earn XP in Pokémon GO, but the surest way to earn lots of it early on is to invest in Lucky Eggs. Activating a Lucky Egg gives you double XP for 30 minutes at a time, which you can stack by activating more at a time. You can buy one lucky egg for 80 coins or eight for 500 coins in the shop, but lots of research has also rewarded them. Additionally, there is the Starter Box which you can only buy once in the game which includes 3 Lucky Eggs with 3 Super Incubators, 3 Premium Battle Pass and 30 Poké Balls for $2,99, but many people still won't have it available.

Now that we have established the way to get guaranteed double XP, let's talk about what you should do during Pokémon GO Fest 2021 to get lots of XP. First, you can kill two birds with one stone by going out and catching all kinds of Pokemon. That's what GO Fest is all about, and you should be there most of the day catching Pokemon after Pokemon. Not only do you have to worry about catching them in general, but also try to make the best throws when catching them. To maximize your XP from each Pokémon, make sure you always use curve balls and try to go for great throws, although these can be very difficult. You'll probably get some great and enjoyable throws most of the time, which also add up pretty well. If you happen to have a Poké Ball Plus or the Pokémon GO Plus, you can use them to catch other Pokémon all over the place as you walk around, which will only add to the overall totals pretty quickly.

The next method to get lots of XP during GO Fest 2021 is to hatch lots of eggs. During the two days, the hatching distance of eggs will be reduced by half, which will be very useful for hatching eggs. As a result, it can be very useful to grab extra incubators and keep them running all day, as each egg hatch provides you with a solid XP which can also help you.

There will also be Raids during Pokémon GO Fest 2021 as always, which are still the best source of XP in the game. This will be even more the case on Sunday, as players will receive an additional 10 XP for each completed Raid. Since you already get 000 XP for the level 10 raids that will be happening, you will get 000 XP for each one on Sunday. This is huge for those trying to reach level 5 and beyond, so don't miss this golden opportunity, which is even better with Lucky Eggs.

There are also other ways to earn extra XP along the way, like spinning PokéStops, bonuses, and Day One Streaks that get you the most XP here. If you're walking around somewhere with a lot of PokéStops for GO Fest 2021, you might as well keep spinning them to make everything easier. This means that you will not only get items such as Poké Balls that you can use to catch Pokemon and get more XP, but also XP every turn.

That wraps up our guides on how to get lots of XP during Pokémon GO Fest 2021. There are plenty of ways to earn XP, so be sure to follow some of the methods above to really rack it up during Pokémon GO Fest XNUMX. annual event.

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