Overwatch 2: how to unlock each character

Overwatch 2: how to unlock each character

Pour one for those who have lost their power.

The cast of characters in the Overseer series is its bread and butter, but with the release of Overseer 2, Blizzard made the controversial decision to lock the majority of its characters behind in-game progression instead of giving players access. everyone from the start. This choice was certainly frustrating for fans of the first game who kept characters now locked in until they could put several hours into the sequel just to access their preferred playstyles.

As irritating as the choice is, it looks like Blizzard remains strong in its belief, which means players are just going to have to accept that they'll have to work if they want to access the full roster of characters. Fortunately, this is relatively simple. That's not to say it won't take a long time to get certain characters, but rather that all you have to do to unlock the original game's cast is play matches.

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Unlock Heroes

Overwatch 2: how to unlock each character

Currently, there are two ways to unlock new characters in Overseer 2: through the premium battle pass or through hero challenges. There's only one hero locked behind the battle pass, the new healer Kiriko, so luckily if you want all the characters from the first game, you won't need to spend any money to unlock them. However, this means that you will have to pay if you want to unlock the new characters added to the game with each new season.

Completing hero challenges is simple: play regular matches and you'll earn progression to unlock heroes from the original game. If you win a match, it counts as two matches. It is worth noting that you won't get any progress if you play custom games or practice against the AI. To view hero challenges and see how close you are to unlocking each character, select the “Challenges” option from the game's main menu and navigate to “Heroes”.

Overwatch 2: how to unlock each character

When you unlock a new character, you will be notified at the end of the match. Take a look below to see how each character is unlocked.

  • It's here: Unlocked in the first tier of the Season 1 Premium Battle Pass.
  • Genji: Unlocked by completing a match.
  • D. Go: Unlocked by completing two matches.
  • Cassidy: Unlocked by completing three matches.
  • All right: Unlocked by completing four matches.
  • Hanzo: Unlocked by completing nine matches.
  • Junkrat: Unlocked by completing 12 matches.
  • driver: Unlocked by completing 15 matches.
  • Symmeter: Unlocked by completing 20 matches.
  • Zeniatta: Unlocked by completing 25 matches.
  • Bastion: Unlocked by completing 30 matches.
  • Sigma: Unlocked by completing 40 matches.
  • Ashe: Unlocked by completing 50 matches.
  • Brigitte: Unlocked by completing 60 matches.
  • May: Unlocked by completing 70 matches.
  • Doom Fist: Unlocked by completing 85 matches.
  • Baptiste: Unlocked by completing 100 matches.
  • Dark: Unlocked by completing 115 matches.
  • wrecking ball: Unlocked by completing 130 matches.
  • Echo: Unlocked by completing 150 matches.

The list of characters that are automatically unlocked when you start the game are as follows:

  • Junker Queen
  • Idol
  • Reinhardt
  • Pharaoh
  • combine
  • lucio
  • Mercy
  • Winston
  • Stay
  • Soldier: 76
  • Torbjörn
  • Moira
  • Zarya
  • Tracer
  • Widow
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