Overwatch 2 Update 3.39 Adds Halloween Terror Event

Overwatch 2 Update 3.39 Adds Halloween Terror Event

The patch also adds lots of bug fixes, improvements, and tweaks.

Overseer 2 didn't have the smoothest launch, but the game keeps moving forward endlessly. As patches continue to roll out, players are hoping that the game's glitches will finally be a thing of the past. The game's decision to remove loot boxes in exchange for a battle pass system was widely hated by the fan base, and the price of cosmetic items found in the game's store continues to irritate players. Now, Update 3.39 brings some balance changes with the annual Halloween event.

Check out a trailer for the Halloween Terror event below.

The annual Halloween Terror event brings with it a new Arcade mode titled Junkenstein's Revenge: Wrath of the Bride. While Junkenstein's Revenge mode in the first Overwatch title was adored by the community, the same can't be said for Wrath of the Bride. In the past, the seasonal event brought with it many exclusive cosmetics and lootboxes, Overseer 2 removed skins as rewards, instead charging money if players want to dress up for the spooky holiday.

The event will run until November 9, and participating will net players the Nightfall Over Adlersbrunn Calling Card, Jack-o'-Lantern Weapon Charm, and Battle Pass XP.

Read the full patch notes below. For those expecting major changes to hero balancing, don't expect to be too thrilled.

Bug fixes


  • Fixed an issue where players would retain a 30% ultimate charge between turns on Control Maps
  • Fixed an issue with checkpoint maps not always switching correctly to overtime
  • Fixed 'vs.' screen not appearing in competition
  • Fixed an issue where players could not invite others to a custom game by clicking on an empty spectator slot
  • Fixed an issue where text chat was not available for gamepad users on PC
  • Using Pause Match in Custom Game will no longer disable other menu buttons
  • Fixed an issue with Kill Cams not playing properly during overtime
  • Players should no longer be able to get stuck under TS-1 in Push game mode
  • Fixed an issue with controllers not being able to scroll on certain UIs



  • Changed the umbrellas and tables in the front spawn cafe so it's easier to get around
  • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck in the Advanced Spawn Café umbrellas


  • Fixed some areas where players could get stuck


  • Fixed a performance issue with some canisters placed on the map



  • Fixed an issue with the 'Little Red' skin and 'Line Dance' emote performing an interrupted animation


  • Bastion has been added to the line-up
  • Fixed an issue with Bastion: Artillery setup where you could fire more than the three allocated charges
  • Stronghold weapon should no longer disappear when using Setup: Artillery

Junker Queen

  • Serrated Blade should no longer be deflected or reflected by friendly abilities

It's here

  • “Tanpopo” skin can now be purchased and equipped
  • Kiriko's heroic pose is now unlocked
  • Fixed an issue with Swift Step not consistently removing negative side effects
  • Fixed an issue with Kitsune Rush not correctly reducing Baptiste's Immortality Field cooldown


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Mei's visual effects from playing during the match


  • Fixed an issue with Mercy's main firing animation looping after switching weapons


  • Changed the placement of Reinhardt's charms


  • Fixed an issue where Roadhog's Chain Hook would fail to land on target when it should have hit
  • Fixed an issue with Roadhog's fast melee animation not playing correctly


  • Symmetra should no longer be able to use her ultimate and place her teleporter at the same time


  • Torbjörn has been added to competitive play
  • Overload can no longer be used multiple times in a row

Overseer 2 was released in Early Access on October 4. It's free to play on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.


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