How to Join and Win a Versus Battle in Fortnite

How to Join and Win a Versus Battle in Fortnite

Fortnite just received the Dragon Ball crossover and thousands of players have immersed themselves in the experience to enjoy all the latest additions to the game that have arrived with the new quests on offer. Along with the major additions, there are also other features that have been added and one of those features is the versus panels that will be in the map. This guide article will tell you how to join and win a versus battle in Fortnite.

Join and Win a Versus Battle in Fortnite

You will need to find one of the many versus boards located around the map in order to start a versus battle. If you know where the Bounty Boards used to be, that's where you'll find the new boards versus the ones that replaced them. Luckily, that means you'll be able to find them quite easily when you survive a match. However, if you are unsure where to find the tables, refer to the dedicated section later in the article. Once you get to the board, interact with it and start a battle against it. You will be paired with another player at this time and that person is the one you will fight.

Then your opponent will appear clearly on the map for you and you will have five minutes to defeat him. To win the versus battle, you simply have to knock/knock down the other player, and once you've done that, you'll have achieved victory over your opponent. Go find these Versus Boards today and put your skills to the test in these 1v1 battles that you can create yourself in a match. You'll be the champion in no time!

Versus Board Locations in Fortnite

How to Join and Win a Versus Battle in Fortnite

Above is an image we captured from which shows all the Bounty Board locations on the map. As noted above, these locations are now where the Versus panels are located, so as can be seen their abundance means you won't have too many problems with one of these panels. Maybe you'll even find a Capsule Corp along the way!

Fortnite is available right now and is playable on the following platforms: PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, IOS, Android and PC.

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