How to Get High with Pharah in Overwatch 2

How to Get High with Pharah in Overwatch 2

Monitor 2 glides with flourishing wings throughout the gaming community. There are, of course, players who like to customize the experience even more for themselves. People have even learned to convert their Valorant sensitivity settings to this game instead. While others adjust game settings, many will strategize as always and take advantage of some unique "hidden" hero abilities. A shining example is Pharah's ability to hover above in the air for a longer period of time. This article will walk you through exactly how to hover Pharah in Overwatch 2.

Flying with Pharah in Overwatch 2

Luckily, the hovering process is a lot simpler than it looks. All you have to do is keep your hand on your designated jump/thruster button when in the air. You will watch your fuel drain on the right side of the screen and when it gets low, some players will immediately let go of the thruster button. In turn, they basically fall back into adults and into the melee of all close combat. Which – given that Pharah can take out herself with her own weapon – isn't the best idea.

When you hold down the jump button, you will notice that you are slowly floating towards the ground even when you are out of fuel. There are light refuels that occur, allowing you to stay in the air longer. You can rain fire on your enemies from above for a longer time. Combine this hovering ability with the hovering Jump-Jets and you can make sure you're hovering at as high a spot as possible. While some players learn the best D.Va strategies, you can easily settle into any match knowing how to be the MVP in the sky.

As another key tip, when using the Jump-Jet ability, if you're near rooftops, you can try positioning yourself on them. If you land on it, you'll slowly slide down, giving your hovering jets a chance to refuel. Knowing this, you can ensure that you are making good use of all your time in the air.

Monitor 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S and Nintendo Switch.

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