How to get and use Pokémon Home

How to get and use Pokémon Home

Pokémon Home has finally arrived, and Trainers everywhere will immediately dive into Nintendo's online storage system. At least they would if they knew how to do it. The inner workings of this latest leap into the 3st century has some players quite perplexed. But we are here to help you. Here's how to use Pokémon Home on mobile, Switch, and even XNUMXDS.

How to bring Pokemon home

Pokémon Home has separate apps on two separate devices. There is a mobile app, which can be found here for Android, and here for iPhone. And then there's a Switch app on the Nintendo eShop. Just load up the eShop on your Switch and you should see the app right there, but look otherwise. There is no Pokémon Home app for 3DS, but it is linked to the previously released Pokémon Bank app, available on the eShop.

How to Use Pokemon Home

Once you have all the apps, you'll want to get started. What could be more important for the Pokémon franchise than the exchange of creatures between players. This feature is locked to the mobile app, so grab your smartphone and start trading. It's done on the left tab, so drag it. Here you will see a display of the most recently traded Pokemon and some options. Here is what they all are.

Wonder Trade is where you put a Pokemon for anyone to trade. You choose one who will disappear permanently and you will receive whatever they choose, so basically a random exchange. GTS is where you can be more selective, put something in exchange and select what others can send you. Room Trade is literally a party zone for trades, where you can engage with others and trade with each other at will. And Friend Trade is what it sounds like; exchanges between friends.

If you want to learn more about trading between 3DS and Switch/mobile, or transferring from Home to Sword and Shield or Let's Go, check out these guides.

Swipe two screens to the right (or one to the left) and you get to your actual Pokemon boxes, which also match the boxes found on the Switch app. Here you can scroll through your collection, search, sort and move around as you wish. This is also where you can view IVs, change markings, and see other stats for each of your Pokemon. But that's about all you can do here. Swipe away on the mobile app and you'll reach the main screen, showing your input and a few options.

Challenges can be selected at the top to see what points can be earned. There is also the Friends menu and the news. And that's how to get and use Pokémon Home on mobile, Switch, and even 3DS. More features are sure to be coming soon, including Pokemon GO trading, so check back for updates as they come.

– This article was last updated on: February 14, 2020

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