How to Complete All Herald Quests in Fortnite

How to Complete All Herald Quests in Fortnite

It was an exciting week for Fortnite players, as there are various new quests with enticing rewards waiting to be unlocked. From Skywalker weekly challenges, Chrome Punk quests and Horde Rush quests to The Herald quests. Unlike other quests, The Herald quests are special as players will be rewarded with an exclusive Herald skin and many other goodies upon completion! If you're looking for tips on how to get these rewards, here's how to complete all The Herald quests in Fortnite.

How to Complete All Herald Quests in Fortnite

Damage opponents while chromed

Reward: Banner Icon

Damaging opponents while chromed is one of the Herald quests you need to complete. This quest is relatively easy, as you just need to find a chrome bomb to throw at your opponent before damaging them. You can land at Chromejam Junction, Herald's Sanctum, and Shimmering Shine to increase your chances of catching a Chrome Bomb.

Eliminate Opponents

Reward: Leer of the Herald

The next quest, eliminating opponents, is relatively easy and can be completed in one go. You can try landing in well-known hotspots, such as Rocky Reels, Tilted Towers, and Chrome Crossroads. Like a double-edged sword, these locations usually spawn high-quality loot, but at the same time, you can encounter more experienced players here.

Ignite structures

Reward: Epitaph Edge

To ignite the structures, you will need to use Firefly Jars. They're usually relatively easy to spot, but certain locations like Shiny Sound and Chrome Crossroads can spawn them more often.

Taming the Chrome Fauna

Reward: Faded Ember Cloak

Similar to damaging Chrome opponents, taming Chrome Fauna requires you to throw the Chrome Bomb at them first. Once they're Chrome-ified, you need to jump on their backs to tame them.

Once you complete these four quests, you will be able to unlock The Herald Page 2, which contains The Herald's outfit variant, wrap, emote, emote, and loading screen as rewards.

Destroy objects with the Goo explosive gun

Reward: Master of Reality

Obtaining the Goo Explosive Gun requires some luck as it is a random drop from regular chests or chrome chests. Sometimes you might be lucky enough to find one lying around in various places on the map. Once you can get your hands on it, you need to destroy objects with it, such as buildings, walls, and even furniture.

Eliminate Opponents in Air Locations

Reward: Heraldry

Air locations are places that spawn an airplane, air balloon, or any building floating around the map. To complete this quest, you can land on Cloudy Condos, Shiny Sound, and Chrome Crossroads. Then you can shoot other players below you to earn kills.

Get Chrome-ified while you drive

Reward: Chrome-gratulations

This quest is simple as it requires you to drive around in a chrome vehicle. We recommend doing this with a friend as browsing the map can sometimes be risky!

Land at Herald's Sanctum and place in the top 10

Reward: The Herald (Burning Ember)

Anyone can land at Herald's Sanctum. The real challenge is to survive until you can at least place in the top 10. Therefore, it's best to complete this quest with a friend or squad to increase your chances of survival!

Speak with the characters and give the Herald warning

Reward: Nothing Happens

This quest requires you to speak with the NPC in three different locations. You can track their locations on the map to get an exact point of their location.

This sums up all the Herald quests and how you can complete them! Most of them are quite easy. However, if you ever find yourself in trouble, try inviting some friends to help you complete them! Good luck!

Fortnite is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch and mobile devices.

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