Dragon Ball Legends error code CR901001 how to fix the problem?

    Dragon Ball Legends error code CR901001 how to fix the problem?

    A communication error has occurred, error code CR901001. This is the message you will get if you try to log into the Dragon Ball Legends app. Whether you are on Android mobiles or iOS devices, you will not escape this error. No, it's not your internet connection that is at fault.... Read more

    Dragon Ball Legends error code CR901001 how to fix the problem?

    The Dragon Ball Legends mobile application is currently celebrating its one year anniversary. To mark the occasion, an event is currently underway and allows the dragon Shenron to appear to be able to make a wish. If you are looking for the list of wishes you can make by participating in the Dragon Ball Legends "Hunt for Dragon Balls" event, we suggest you find them all below. You will see that they are not all equal, knowing that you only make one wish once the dragon has been summoned.... Read more

    Dragon Ball Legends error code CR901001 how to fix the problem?

    Dragon Ball Legends is celebrating its first year of existence. To mark the occasion, the Bandai Namco teams are offering players a limited-time event that allows players to collect the 7 crystal balls in order to summon the dragon Shenron and thus be able to make a wish to obtain exclusive rewards. ... Read more

    Dragon Ball Legends error code CR901001 how to fix the problem?

    Good news for fans of the Dragon Ball license, the Bandai Namco teams have just released the highly anticipated Dragon Ball Legends on the Google PlayStore which means that Android users can now download the game's APK from their motive. Dragon Ball Legends will allow you to take part in 3v3 battles all in 3D while controlling your favorite characters like Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Frieza, and many others.... Read more

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