Challenge Use Rox Aerosol in an underground passage: Decryption Challenges Chips

    We find the "Aerosol mechanics" for this new challenge!

    Shortly after the challenge Use Stone Couple Aerosol near a lava waterfall, we come to find the same mechanics, with theAerosol Rox this time. To start and as the title indicates, you will have to equip yourself with the famous Aerosol. Nothing could be simpler, go to your inventory and put it in place of one of your six main emotes. Reminder: the aerosols are listed in alphabetical order, so you will quickly find "Rox".

    Challenge Use Rox Aerosol in an underground passage: Decryption Challenges Chips
    Aerosol Rox

    Once you are equipped with the aerosol, you will have to find this underground passage. If you do not want to browse the whole map at random and get straight to the point, know that you will have to go to Neo Tilted. The underpass is actually the place under the bridge, at the top of the case D6. Once there, all you have to do is tag!

    Challenge Use Rox Aerosol in an underground passage: Decryption Challenges Chips

    Challenge Use Rox Aerosol in an underground passage: Decryption Challenges Chips
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