Trials of Mana the guide to find all P'tit Cactus locations

Trials of Mana the guide to find all P'tit Cactus locations

Square Enix's new Trials of Mana offers a lot of side activities to complete alongside the main quest. Regardless of the character trio you have selected, at some point you will come across "P'tit Cactus", a small plant that likes to hide in the environment. Find it 50 times and it will reward you with a powerful ring and a shared skill that all of your characters can benefit from. 

But before you get to the ultimate reward, Trials of Mana's P'tit Cactus will offer you various tiered rewards that are sure to come in handy on your journey through the lands of "mana". To help you find it, we have a comprehensive guide that shows you all of its locations.

โ˜… Tip โ€“ Once you have found the first 35 locations of "P'tit Cactus", then you will get a permanent bonus that lets you know how many times you have left to find the character by opening the map of an area . This bonus also works when you open the world map. Place the cursor on an area of โ€‹โ€‹the MAP and the game will tell you the number of "P'tit Cactus" remaining to be found.

Trials of Mana where is Lil' Cactus, list of locations:

Location 1 โ€“ golden road
Find on the golden road not far from the path that leads to the cave "the breach".

Location 2 โ€“ Dwarf Gallery 1
You'll find Lil' Cactus in Dwarf Gallery 1 resting in front of a campfire after the bridge.

Location 3 โ€“ molehill bogs 1
You'll find Lil' Cactus in mole bogs 1 above a hill just before entering the cave that leads to breach 1.

Location 4 โ€“ Breach Cave 2
You can find P'tit Cactus in the cave of the breach 2 through the bogs of mole 1. It is not far from the collapsed bridge.

Location 5 - village of Forsรฉna
You will find P'tit Cactus in the village of Forsรฉna, the kingdom of the plains at the top right of the village where there is an enclosure with a sign indicating beware of the dog.

Location 6 โ€“ Free City of Maia
In the Free City of Maia, you'll find Lil' Cactus at the harbor where the huge ship isโ€ฆ You'll have to climb above the makeshift tents to find it!

Location 7 โ€“ Palo Harbor
To the left of the Palo Port Armor Shop there is a big tree, you will find Lil' Cactus right there, he is resting under the big tree.

Location 8 โ€“ Palo Harbor
When you get to Heaven Path 1 at the Palo Harbor exit, go straight to the left beach to find Lil' Cactus under a palm tree.

Location 9 โ€“ Sky Path 1
Leaving the secret base of Rollanto, you will be in the area of โ€‹โ€‹the path of the skies 1, go up to the place where there is the flower field, you will come across P'tit Cactus contemplating a waterfall come out of the rock.

Location 10 โ€“ Jadd's Fortress 1
In Jadd Fortress Village 1, you'll find Lil' Cactus at the very bottom left of the map not far from the Inn along the stone stairs.

Site 11 โ€“ Rabbit Forest
Leaving the village of the fortress of Jadd 1, you will be in the rabbit forest, go immediately to the side to reach the beach where you will see P'tit Cactus contemplating the ocean at the foot of a palm tree.

Location 12 โ€“ destroyed lakeside city of Astoria
By going to the destroyed lake city of Astoria which is accessible from the forest of rabbits, you will find Lil' Cactus not far from a ransacked vegetable field and a burning house.

Site 13 โ€“ Rabbit Forest
At the very end of the forest of rabbits at the place where there is the statue of monster which hides the entry of the village of koropokkur, you will find not far P'tit Cactus looking at the horizon.

Location 14 โ€“ Byzehr Merchant City
In the merchant city of Byzehr, you can find P'tit Cactus right next to the weapon shop in the small corridor next to the shop.

Location 15 โ€“ Gust Pass 1
When you arrive at the squall pass 1 from the sky path, go immediately to the left and kill the enemies who are in the cul-de-sac. After the fight you will see that P'tit Cactus is right there.

Location 16 โ€“ Gust Pass 1
Halfway through the squall pass 1, you will normally have to turn the two statues that blow wind to cross the cave, instead use the wind to reach a platform where P'tit Cactus is hiding.

Location 17 โ€“ Surhtan at the Desert Capital
You can find Lil' Cactus in Surhtan at the Desert Capital in the passage just behind the hostel. This city is accessible after obtaining the flute of the waves which allows you to call the lord of the seas "Vuscav".

Site 18 โ€“ Burning Sands area
Leaving Surhtan at the Desert Capital, you will be in the Burning Sands area. Move forward to an area where sand flows from the rock. You will find in the middle of the grass very close to new P'tit Cactus. Note that behind the flowing quicksand is also hiding a chest with a weapon.

Site 19 โ€“ Burning Sands area
The next Lil' Cactus can also be found in the Burning Sands area a little further into the area. You will have to gain height. To do this, look for a springman (the kind of big yellow balls on legs), he will make you jump directly towards the area where the P'tit Cactus is (he is under a palm tree).

Location 20 โ€“ Diin Oasis
Cross the Burning Sands Desert area to get to Diin Oasis. In the village, go near the water to a wooden boat. Turn the camera and you will see P'tit Cactus along a rock.

Location 21 โ€“ fire ravine area 1
In the fire ravine area 1 where the elemental spirit of Athanor is, look for the place where the columns of flames come out of the walls and towards the lava areas, you will find P'tit Cactus there.

Location 22 โ€“ Oblivion Island
On the island of oblivion, accessible once you have the flute of the waves which allows you to call the lord of the seas "Vuscav", look between the two statues of goddesses, you will find between the trees P'tit Cactus.

Site 23 โ€“ Snowy Hamlet of Elrand
Once you can get to a snowy hamlet of Elrand with the flute of the waves, look in the village above the inn, you'll see Lil' Cactus in the snow towards a pile of wood.

Location 24 โ€“ chilled lands
In the cold lands at the exit of the snowy hamlet of Elrand, along the road at the first intersection look towards the trees you will find P'tit Cactus.

Location 25 โ€“ chilled lands
In the snowy lands "the frozen lands" which are at the exit of the snowy hamlet of Elrand, make your way to the golden idol which allows you to raise your life and magic points and cross the bridge just after. In the area that follows, you will find P'tit Cactus behind a large tree. 

Location 26 โ€“ Ice Maze 1
In the snowy lands, after going through "the frozen lands", you will be in the ice maze 1 and will face the mana stone which allows characters to change their class. Look next to the ice pillars, P'tit Cactus is right there!

Location 27 โ€“ Mynthos the City of Chiaroscuro
When you arrive in Mynthos, the city of chiaroscuro, go immediately to your right, where there are the fluorescent mushrooms, there is also P'tit Cactus.

Location 28 โ€“ Moonlight Forest
In the forest of moonlight which is at the exit of the city of chiaroscuro. You will see P'tit Cactus in height by exploring the area, just go behind to find a tree branch that allows you to climb to where it is.

Location 29 โ€“ Moonlight Forest
Still in the moonlit forest, explore the area and go towards the castle where the large gate is closed (normally allows you to enter Ferolia). Next to the stone bridge, you will find P'tit Cactus.

Location 30 โ€“ Lunar Tower
Go through the Moonlight Forest to access the Lunar Tower. At the bottom of the first room of the lunar tower 1 where the mana stone is, you will find Lil' Cactus.

Location 31 โ€“ lysolux wood
In the woods of lysolux follow the red flowers to find your way to the woods of lysolux 3, here you will find the P'tit Cactus in the passage before entering Fior the flowered city.

Location 32 โ€“ flowery town of fior
In the flowery town of fior, accessible once you have crossed the lysolux woods, go to the very end of the village to the big house of the chief of the elves. On the left before the stairs leading to it you will find P'tit Cactus again.

Site 33 โ€“ lysolux wood 1
You will find P'tit Cactus in the lysolux woods, after the spirit of luma opens the way for you in the direction of the lysolux woods 4 (IV). Le P'tit Cactus is not far from a golden mana idol that allows you to save on a high path.

Site 34 โ€“ Rollanto
In Rollanto when you have to look for the winged protector after collecting the 8 elemental spirits of mana, the large iron gate of Rollanto will be openedโ€ฆ Just by entering behind a small tree you will find Lil' Cactus.

Location 35 โ€“ Holy City of Wendel
In the holy city of Wendel in the recess between the weapon and armor shop, you can find Lil' Cactus. If you no longer have access to this town, just wait until you have the wind drum that can call Flammie.

Location 36 โ€“ Ice Maze 2
In Ice Maze 2, once the Benevodons have been freed, walk up to the silver save idol and jump on the ice blocks to its left to get high. Follow the route to the end to reach P'tit Cactus again. Watch out slippery floor !

Location 37 โ€“ molehill bogs 1
When you get to the molehill bogs 1 where Flammie drops you off when you use the wind drum, search the area you'll find Lil' Cactus.

Location 38 โ€“ Doriann the Valley of Gems 1
Use the Wind Drum and land at Molehill Bogs 1 with Flammie. Head to Doriann, the Valley of Gems 1 where there is a Benevodon. Halfway, you'll find P'tit Cactus near a chest that's hard to miss.

Location 39 โ€“ Doriann the Valley of Gems 1
Also in Doriann, the Valley of Gems 1, just after passing the silver save idol you will be towards clouds of poison. At this point, you can gain height by jumping on platforms. You will find there P'tit Cactus.

Location 40 โ€“ Forest of Splendors
In the Forest of Splendors accessible once you have the Flammie dragon, go to area 3 of the forest and look for tree stumps where you can climb on them. There is a chest and P'tit Cactus.

Location 41 โ€“ Forest of Splendors
Still in the Forest of Splendors, but in area 7, you'll find Lil' Cactus hidden behind a large tree. There is a large orange mushroom sticking out of the root of the tree where it is.

Location 42 โ€“ Lunar Tower
When the benevodons have been awakened and you can climb the floors of the lunar tower, go to the 8th floor (VIII) and near the entrance in a corner, you will find Lil' Cactus.

Location 43 โ€“ ravine of fire
At the ravine of fire once the benevodons have been awakened, go to the place where you have to jump on three platforms to access a chest, you will see that just below is also P'tit Cactus.

Location 44 โ€“ iridescent ruins
When you are at the iridescent ruins in search of the benevodons, go all around the map passing by the right side without even touching a crystal which modifies the level of the water you will come across P'tit Cactus at some point when you will have joined the left side of the MAP.

Location 45 โ€“ iridescent ruins
After finding the first P'tit Cactus in the iridescent ruins, use the crystal to make a bridge appear and continue on your way. You will come to some stone debris at some point, there is a second P'tit Cactus here (bottom left of the map).

Location 46 โ€“ ancient capital of Pedda
At the ancient capital of Pedda which lies in the Forest of Illusions. Once you have beaten 7 Benevodons, come and rest at the Inn and the illusion will be dispelled allowing you to explore the city. On the rampart at the top, you will find P'tit Cactus.

Location 47 โ€“ Crystal Desert 1
In the crystal desert 1, get carried away by the quicksand which will lead you to a cave in the crystal desert 2 and will allow you to find Lil' Cactus.

Location 48 โ€“ Crystal Desert 1
In Crystal Desert 1, near the area where there is quicksand. You will find a small "cul-de-sac" type area or P'tit Cactus.attend in the middle of the luminous crystals.

Location 49 โ€“ Waterfall Cave
Use the Wind Drum to summon Flammie, land at the Holy City of Wendel then head towards the Waterfall Cave. Go to the first section (I) of the cave and go to the golden idol which allows you to save. There is a passage nearby with a chest, P'tit Cactus is right there.

Slot 50 โ€“ Mana Sanctuary
At the Mana Sanctuary once you have completed the Dragon's Mouth events, head to the area where it is possible to change classes for its characters. Continue on the path that follows to the goddess mana, you should see P'tit Cactus in height, you can't miss it if you continue your journey since you will necessarily pass next to it.

The list of rewards obtained by finding P'tit Cactus:

Numbers of P'tit Cactus discoveredPermanent reward obtained
5Find out how many chests you have left to open from the map menu when exploring areas in the game.
10The items you find in the various stores in the game will be 10% cheaper.
15Allows you to double the experience points you earn during battles, but be careful, only when the P'tit Cactus icon appears on the battle results screen.
20You can leave confrontations that you deem useless more quickly if it is a fight that allows you to escape.
25You can rest in hostels for free and you get a 20% discount when shopping in stores.
30You can get new items when you go to the Night Market! Note that the cost of resetting character evolution points is half price!
35By opening your map, you can now see where the chests are and the number of P'tit Cactus that you have not yet found.
40Allows you to triple the experience points you earn during battles, but be careful, only when the P'tit Cactus icon appears on the battle results screen.
45When you use the seed pot in inns, you are more likely to get cool items by planting seeds.
50You get the shared skill โ€œCactus Soulโ€ as well as the special ring โ€œCactus Ringโ€.
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