Paladin Heal - Decks Rastakhan Games Hearthstone

As the Rastakhan Games have just begun, find Paladin Heal's new decklist.

Paladin Heal

Difficulty Paladin Heal - Decks Rastakhan Games HearthstonePaladin Heal - Decks Rastakhan Games HearthstonePaladin Heal - Decks Rastakhan Games Hearthstone Cost Paladin Heal - Decks Rastakhan Games Hearthstone


Paladin Heal - Decks Rastakhan Games Hearthstone

You want in your starting hand the High Priest Thekal primarily, but also the Bloodclaw, Lower Spell Bead, Forgecrystal Kangor and Talent capture. If your hand is already strong you also keep the Buttress Defender et Zandalari Templar.

Faced with aggressive decks go get your Consecration in order to have an effective clean board.

Course of the game

You want to quickly lose life points to then take full advantage of your healing effects.

If at the start of the game you risk being rather passive and will make sure to respond to aggression, your numerous treatments will allow you on the one hand to avoid finding yourself too low in health points while activating the various synergies that the deck has.

Tips & Tricks

 • Although the deck is more defensively inclined, the Talent capture can quickly become threatening, especially if you manage to follow up on turn 5 with the Piece and Spiked Charger.

 • Similarly, if the Zandalari Templar happen quickly, they can put your opponents in difficulty from the first turns.


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Paladin Heal - Decks Rastakhan Games Hearthstone
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