Overwatch 2: How to Play Sombra | Abilities and combat role

Overwatch 2: How to Play Sombra | Abilities and combat role
  • There are plenty of characters to choose from when playing Overseer 2. Not only is the entire cast of the original game in the sequel, but it also adds a handful of new characters to learn as well. Because the game has 35 playable heroes and they matter, it would be a lot to ask players to master them all. It's for this reason that most players tend to stick to a small handful of characters that they can really sink their teeth into.

    Obviously, you won't be able to actually improve your gaming skills just by reading this guide, however, you can definitely improve your overall knowledge of the game and learn the basics of what a character can and should do with a little study. That way, you'll be able to hit the ground running when it finally comes time to start a gaming session.

    Sombra is an unlocked character in Overseer 2 until you have completed at least 115 matches. Once you do, you can use all of the hacker's tricks to help lead your team to victory.

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    Abilities of Sombra

    Overwatch 2: How to Play Sombra | Abilities and combat role

    Sombra is a damage hero specializing in stealth and sabotage. Her loadout makes her perfect for weakening the opposition so your team can tackle soft targets and take them down with ease.

    Submachine gun

    Overwatch 2: How to Play Sombra | Abilities and combat role

    Sombra's primary means of inflicting damage is through her submachine gun, an automatic sidearm capable of discharging 60 rounds in just seconds. While great for ripping through enemies, it's only useful in close combat. At medium range the weapon loses most of its punch and is hardly worth shooting someone at long range.

    The key to dealing damage as Sombra closes in on enemies and picks them off from behind. While frontal assaults can prove effective, Sombra doesn't have a huge health pool for tank fire, and since the rest of her kit is designed with stealth in mind, an alley approach is usually best. Because you need to be so close to an enemy to get the most out of the submachine gun, it's a good idea to use the element of surprise.

    Ultimate: EMP

    Overwatch 2: How to Play Sombra | Abilities and combat role

    Hacking is an important part of building Sombra. Look below for more information on what the hack does and how it can benefit your team. Sombra's Ultimate, EMP, hacks all enemies in a nearby radius, dealing 40% damage to them and destroying any shields that have been put in place. When hacked, enemies are at a strong disadvantage, so releasing an EMP when surrounded by an objective is ideal.

    EMP is best used as a way to reset the momentum of a firefight. When hacked, enemies tend to turn heel and take cover until the effects wear off, so hitting a large group with EMP can really turn the tide in a battle. Because it knocks down shields and barriers, tanking characters like Brigitte and Reinhardt who rely on them to protect their team become extremely vulnerable.


    Overwatch 2: How to Play Sombra | Abilities and combat role

    Because Sombra specializes in infiltration, she's not very strong. She's most useful when she's able to quickly move in and out of a group of enemies to do damage or hack them and her translocator ability gives her an easy way out of pretty much n' whatever. The translocator is a thrown object that she can teleport to at any time.

    It can be placed in a safe location away from the majority of the battle if you're looking for an escape to safety, or it can be used to outmaneuver enemies and reach hard to reach places in a flash. Be warned, though: the Translocator can be destroyed by enemies which could leave you in a sticky situation.


    Overwatch 2: How to Play Sombra | Abilities and combat role

    Stealth allows Sombra to become invisible and move at increased speed. The downside is that it takes a second for her to camouflage and reveal herself, leaving her vulnerable in moments of transition. Additionally, she is unable to attack without revealing herself and if she takes damage her cover will be destroyed.

    Stealth is best used to flank enemies to take them out from behind. It's also great for making a quick exit if you can take it out before enemies turn around and take you out.

    To hack

    Overwatch 2: How to Play Sombra | Abilities and combat role

    Hacking is the main purpose of Sombra's role in combat. When an enemy is hacked, they are unable to use their abilities for a limited time. If used on the right enemy, it can be devastating and leave them completely vulnerable. For example, if you were to hack Tracer, she would be completely unable to use the movement abilities that are core to her character's specialty and since she has such a small health pool, she's easy to take down.

    When playing Sombra, you'll want to hack the enemy as often as possible to knock them out of combat and make them vulnerable to other Damage heroes on your team. In addition to hacking enemies, Sombra can also hack health kits, making them faster and can only be used by your team for a limited time. If you disable a health kit near an objective, you may be able to turn the tide of the fight in your favor by keeping your team strong and reducing the resources available to the enemy.

    Passive: Opportunistic

    Overwatch 2: How to Play Sombra | Abilities and combat role

    Sombra has a passive ability called Opportunist that allows her to deal 40% more damage to hacked enemies. This is one of the other main reasons why you should want to hack as many enemies as possible, as it will greatly increase your ability to deal damage. Take advantage of the passive immediately after hitting the enemy team with Sombra's Ultimate by eliminating enemies with the smallest health pools.

    Opportunist also gives Sombra the ability to see heavily damaged enemies through walls by highlighting them in orange. They are easy prey for her, so it's a good idea to know who they are and target them.

    Sombra's role in battle

    Overwatch 2: How to Play Sombra | Abilities and combat role

    Although she's categorized as a damage hero, Sombra shouldn't necessarily be on the front lines of combat given her small health pool. Instead, she should flank the enemy team to the side and rear in order to hack critical enemies such as the tank and main Damage heroes.

    With her Ultimate fully charged, she may be solely responsible for blowing a giant hole in a choke point putting the enemy team in the ropes after being hacked all at once. Additionally, she can provide some decent support in the form of your team's exclusive fast-spawning health kits, allowing them to stay in the action as long as they're waiting for some health.

    When dealing damage, Sombra is best used to take out stragglers on the enemy team who are already vulnerable.

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