Modern Warfare Reboot unplayable on PS5 thanks to Warzone

    Modern Warfare Reboot unplayable on PS5 thanks to Warzone

    How is it possible?

    Image is taken from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare reboot

    There seems to be an issue with one of Activision's Call of Duty games; some PlayStation 5 owners are reportedly struggling to play the Modern Warfare reboot from 2019 on their consoles, and the blame is on Warzone – what did Warzone ever do?

    Apparently, when users try to access any of the three main components of the game, be it Campaign, Multiplayer or Spec Ops mode, players are greeted with an incredibly annoying message that claims that certain “packs data” is not installed. This is only the start of the problem as well, because when users start following this prompt, they are then faced with another message that the installation has been "paused" and as it stands, it's is a problem that cannot be solved.

    For all gamers who are facing this issue, where data packs are not downloading and also a simple restart is not possible, it gets even more annoying when you realize that Activision is aware of this situation for months, without any attempt to repair. Activision's support page shows that the problem has been listed, but the lack of effort to try to fix this annoying problem only makes the situation worse.

    Modern Warfare Reboot unplayable on PS5 thanks to Warzone
    Modern Warfare Reboot unplayable on PS5 thanks to Warzone
    Images of posts that greeted users on the PS5

    Now we come to why Warzone is being questioned by some. Since Warzone's integration into the Modern Warfare reboot, playing the game has become a tedious experience; With almost every War Zone patch, Modern Warfare game data packs are then removed, requiring players to re-download hundreds of gigabytes of data. One reason is that the game is absolutely massive, with the current version taking up nearly 200GB of storage.

    Warzone (and the Modern Warfare launcher) has had a lot of problems as it has been passed around from developer to developer since release, with so much effort put into making the most of the game's footprint. However, given that the PlayStation OS requires a new data pack with every optimization, this means that the packs slowly start to add up, thus taking up a lot of space - and if you don't know, there were 26 packs different to download for the player so far...crazy!

    The really weird thing is that Warzone wasn't affected by these issues, which sort of tells us the story itself. Due to Warzone becoming a hit with fans, all available resources were redirected to it, meaning Modern Warfare was quickly forgotten. For now, all we can hope for is that with the imminent release of Warzone 2, Activision is going to drop Warzone, which will hopefully clean it all up, but that's not happening soon enough.

    Activision's credibility will take a hit with this one (as if it wasn't already hit) and the concern is that they make the same mistake when Modern Warfare 2 comes out and then integrates Warzone 2 into this game, or they could learn from their mistakes and make sure it never happens again… either is extremely possible.


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