Life is Strange True Colors: How to defeat the bridge troll without a fight

Life is Strange True Colors: How to defeat the bridge troll without a fight

In chapter three of Life is Strange: True Colors, the quaint town of Haven transforms into a magical fantasy land where Alex and Ethan experience an exhilarating adventure. This is done through a LARP (live action role-playing game) event where most of the town dresses up as various fictional characters. Alex and Ethan are tasked with collecting three special stones. However, to do this, you will have to face many monsters including the villainous bridge troll. This guide will show you how to defeat the bridge troll in Life is Strange without having to fight it.

find the jester

Your LARP adventure will begin in the park. There you will meet a terrible and vicious wolf. This will be your first battle of the day, so take the opportunity to learn how the combat system works. Defeating the Dire Wolf shouldn't be too difficult with Alex and Ethan working together.

Once you've done some light work on the dire wolf, the beast will drop some valuable loot which will include a single gold coin and a key. Keep it, because it will be important later. Once the terrible wolf is defeated, you will be free to leave the park. You'll find the jester standing next to the boat rental location across from The Black Lantern (which, due to the LARP event, has been turned into Gullweather's Tavern).

If you talk to the jester, he will give you a riddle. Solving his tricky puzzle will take a bit of research.

Enter the Black Lantern (Gullweather's Tavern)

After talking to the Jester, enter The Black Lantern. Inside you will have Duckie dressed as a cute gnome. After speaking with Duckie, head to the area of ​​The Black Lantern where the pool table is. There you should find a tattered scroll attached to the wall. It is positioned between a bear statue and a fireplace. The scroll should have the solution to the jester's riddle.

Before leaving The Black Lantern, there are a few other things you might be interested in. First, there's another gold coin you can pick up next to Gabe's plate. Second, there is a music box at the bar. Open it using the key you took from the terrible wolf and you will find one of the three gems you need. Finally, talk to Duckie one more time and tell him about your quest. In response, he will give you an Obsidian Chime that will allow you to put the River Serpent to sleep.

Back to jester

Leave The Black Lantern and return to the jester. He will repeat his riddle once more, but on this occasion you will have the opportunity to answer. The correct answer is “Nira, Desys, Belin”.

As a reward, the jester will teach you how to deal with the bridge troll. It seems that the monster is greedy because it can be bribed with four gold coins. The jester will also offer you a gold coin for solving his riddle, which should bring your total number of gold coins to three.

The bridge troll in Life is Strange can be defeated without combat via two methods: either defeating the bridge troll through bribery, or by purchasing troll dust to make the troll friendly.


If you choose to bribe the bridge troll, you will need an additional gold coin. This can be obtained by defeating the River Serpent. It's a fairly simple task if you've followed this guide and got the Obsidian Chime in The Black Lantern.

The River Serpent is located at the bottom of the alley next to the Silver Dragon Dispensary. Just use the Obsidian Chime on the snake and it will fall asleep. If you need more detailed instructions on how to do this, check out this handy guide here.

Once the snake is downed, you can collect its loot which includes a gold coin, a new skill, and a helpful ladder to get one of your three gems from the disc store. Now that you have all four gold coins, you can locate the bridge troll.

After leaving the lane, turn right and then right again once you reach Lethe Flowers. The hideous troll will confront you once you reach the Bridge of Flowers. At his belt is one of the gems you need. When the dialog options appear, simply choose "bribe" and when asked for the amount, select "4 coins". The troll will be happy with this offer and will give you the gem in return.

After trading with the troll, remember to ask for help with your quest, as the troll will give you a new skill.

troll dust

If Corruption isn't your thing, the Bridge Troll in Life is Strange can also be subdued without a fight using Troll Dust. The advantage is that it will only cost you three gold coins instead of four.

After solving the jester's riddle, head to the record store where Steph is. You will find that it has been turned into a witch's lair called The Magpie Emporium. Steph, assuming the role of a mysterious landlord, sells a multitude of goods. The only thing you should be interested in at this point is the Troll Dust. For the price of a miserable three-piece, it's yours.

While you're in the store, it's a good idea to take a look at the smithing scroll on the right side of the entrance. It tells you what the components of Sunsilver are. If you tell the blacksmith outside the emporium, he will give you a scroll that will teach you a new skill.

With your Troll Dust in hand, you can now take down the troll. The monster is located at the Bridge of Flowers. After leaving the record store, turn left then right when you reach Lethe Flowers. When you get to the bridge, the monstrous troll will stand in your way. Simply select the "Dust" option and Alex will blast Troll Dust in your enemy's face, turning them into a friendly creature. From there, all Ethan has to do is ask politely and the troll will drop his gem.

Before leaving, ask the troll to help you in your quest and he will give you a new skill.

Life is Strange: True Colors is available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S and PC. It's also set to release for Nintendo Switch in 2022.

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