League of Legends 2022 plans revealed by Riot Games

    League of Legends 2022 plans revealed by Riot Games

    Patch 12.2 will bring a new champion, balance changes, and more.

    League of Legends 2022 plans revealed by Riot Games

    League of Legends has released patch 12.1, starting in 2022 with a handful of item and champion changes as well as slick new Elderwood skins. That's not all MOBA players can expect in the new year, and Riot Games is generating plenty of hype with a new video showing off everything that's going on. League over the next twelve months. From gameplay updates to new champions, 2022 is shaping up to be another busy year for the title, which saw 180 million players worldwide in October 2021.

    Check out the full video below:

    Patch 12.2, due out on January 19, will introduce a new champion, Zeri. Known as "The Spark of Zaun", she will be a champion marksman who "channels her electric magic to recharge and recharge her bespoke weapon". His powers will give him an incredibly powerful shield, while also allowing him to steal shields from enemy heroes. His magic will deal great damage while also enhancing his own damage and increasing his movement speed. Three more champions are expected this year, including an Enchanter-style support character, a "less conventional" add-on, and a jungler.

    12.2 will also introduce new Firecracker skins for Sett, Diana, Teemo, Tristana, and Xin Zhao to celebrate Chinese New Year.

    League of Legends esports will begin the 2022 season on January 14 with LCS Lock-In Qualifiers leading to a knockout tournament on January 30. Wild Rift mobile game will get four new champions over the next two patches, with Sett and Yuumi in the 3.0 update and Karma and Shen in 3.1. League of Legends: Wild Rift will also see some map changes and have its own esports tournament for the first time this year. Eight regions around the world will compete later this summer.

    League of Legends is free on PC. A Netflix series based on the game, Arcane, premiered in November 2021. Riot Games is currently working on Project L, a fighting game featuring League's cast of characters.


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