HearthStone Arena Guide: Overview, Loot and Rewards

    We're kicking off a new series of HearthStone Arena guides! How to get the most out of an arena, choosing a hero, and building your deck: we'll answer all that, and more.

    HearthStone Arena Guide: Overview, Loot and Rewards

    This guide is primarily intended for new players and those who are having difficulty performing well in the arena. I obviously wouldn't teach much new to veterans experienced in this game mode.
    I do not declare to have the absolute Truth but I try, via this guide, to offer you notes for the cards as close as possible to the reality of the format, while explaining to you the pros and cons.

    I hesitated for a long time before writing a guide on this game mode since opinions are very different from one player to another as to the power of a card in arena or on the way in which this mode should be approached. game. Before starting to develop, know that there are no magic recipes for making good scores in the arena. You have to play a lot to improve and you never stop learning. In summary, the more you play, the more natural your drafts will become, and improvement will come over time. You will also find your favorite arena cards and your drafts will be more and more consistent.

    Even with all the experience in the world, keep in mind that if the draft RNG is against you, there are times when you'll be powerless. Hoping that this guide will be useful to as many people as possible, good game to all!

    You will therefore find several guides on this subject. This is the first, but others will appear in the coming days:

    1. General - How to get the most out of an arena
    2. The choice of class
    3. Drafting and deck building
    4. Best Arena Maps

    The arena, Kezako?

    HearthStone offers players, since its launch, to participate in this game mode with very different rules from game mode. The goal is very simple, it is build a deck with what the game will offer you (the draft), you will then have thirty choices to make between 3 cards each time. Following this draw, you will be dropped into the fray and will have to try to get as far as possible with this short-lived deck. The game ends when you have lost 3 times or when you have reached 12 wins.

    Profitability objective

    The entry cost of 150 gold coins may put off some players who want to buy a booster instead immediately for 50 coins less. You should know that the first part will be offered to you by Blizzard but that even by paying full price, you are guaranteed to receive a booster at the end of your arena in addition to the rewards granted according to the number of your victories.

    We can define quite simply a minimum objective to reach in order to "cover our costs". If we pay the tidy sum of 150 gold coins, it is obvious that it would be in good taste to manage to recover at least 50 at the end of the game so that the cost of our booster is not higher than that of the shop. To do this, certain levels are to be reached, let's see together these tables highlighting the minimum loot according to the number of victories obtained at the end of a session.

    HearthStone Arena Guide: Overview, Loot and Rewards

    It therefore appears thatfrom 4 wins only, we are almost guaranteed to recover at least 50 gold in addition to another random reward. It is therefore ~90% sure that a 4-3 arena is more profitable than a 100 gold booster even if it can happen that with a bit of luck a 3-3 arena is enough to be profitable. Another observation that can easily be made is that a 7 win streak ensures us to fully refund the 150 gold coins input and therefore allows us to immediately start a new session. Thus, any player must aim for the sacrosanct 7-3.

    This may seem impossible to overcome for the majority of you, but you will find that by following a few rules of drafting and putting into practice certain essential mechanics, you should quickly achieve this result. Let's keep in mind that luck is a predominant factor in Hearthstone and the arena is no exception, quite the contrary.
    We are therefore waiting for you for the next step, which will determine how Choosing the right Class in Arena !

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