Fortnite: how to complete training camp challenges

Fortnite: how to complete training camp challenges

With Chapter 3, Season 2 de Fortnite on us, you'll find yourself taking on a whole new set of challenges. From modes that don't let you build to ways to get started on the map, you'll find a whole variety of things to do. When you're not collecting Omni Tokens, you might be looking for a way to put your skills to the test and maybe learn some new ones.

This is where the Boot Camp Challenges come into play. You'll find yourself learning a new set of skills every week, and since there's no specific location for Bootcamp, you can complete these challenges at any time. Find out how to complete them and what they are with our helpful guide!

Fortnite – Bootcamp Challenge

You will see prompts appear on your screen, with Jonesy show up in the on the top corner left of your screen with different prompts and challenges to complete. The first one you will probably come across is the Sprint challenge, which is quite simple. All you have to do to complete this challenge is make a sprint for 5 seconds. That's it! First step, done!

The second challenge, the Défi Bootcamp Mantling, is a bit more difficult to achieve, but by no means impossible. What you will need to do is coat on a ledge within 3 seconds of sprinting, so finding a small building to grab is key to success in this one. You will also need coat over ledges to reach higher places, so you will not only have to cover the side, but also climb to the top. Pretty easy, and the second challenge is now complete!

The third and final challenge for the Challenge and the slip challenge. You will have to swipe for a total of 20 meters, so making sure you have a good start will help you overcome this challenge with ease. Once you've completed the Sliding Challenge, you're done for that week and just have to wait for the next set of Bootcamp challenges.

As these challenges continue to present themselves, we can expect them to become more difficult. As there are still new players joining every day, they can start to increase the difficulty of these challenges, to help push player skills even further and put your Fortnite knowledge to the test. The first set of challenges are pretty easy, but sometimes a reminder never hurt anyone!

Fortnite is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch and mobile devices.

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