Final Fantasy 12 The Zodiac Age guide - How to get the Diamond Bracelet on the PS4 version

Final Fantasy 12 The Zodiac Age guide - How to get the Diamond Bracelet on the PS4 version

You probably know it, but The Zodiac Age version of Final Fantasy 12 on PS4 has some peculiarities compared to the edition released here on PS2. For example, the position of objects has changed! If you're looking for the Diamond Bracelet on PS4, you've come to the right place.

But by the way, what is the diamond bracelet for in Final Fantasy 12? It will allow you to completely empty the contents of a chest in the game, in other words, it will allow you to have the best possible object that a chest can offer you, an essential object if you are looking for the best Final Fantasy 12 stuff.

How to get the diamond bracelet in Final Fantasy 12 on PS4

To get it is very simple, go to the western desert of Dalmasca in the small area of ​​rolling sands where is the globe of the winds allowing you to reach the Geodragon to find your precious diamond bracelet.

To help you better, rely on the images available below that we took during our adventure. You will have the exact place where you can get the diamond bracelet. To obtain it, you may need to have advanced in the story of the game beforehand. For information, we obtained the bracelet after obtaining the sword of the pact.

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