Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2: Attachments setting has been re-enabled

    Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2: Attachments setting has been re-enabled

    Turn on, tune, charge.

    Infinity Ward has revealed that they've brought back weapon attachment tuning in the latest patch for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. Again, they're sparse on details, but promise to explain everything in an upcoming blog post. .

    For those unfamiliar with this system, it's a fancy addition to what is already a highly polished and customizable gaming experience. The Call of Duty has a mounting system that allows you to attach items such as scopes, special magazines, stocks and grips to your weapons. These attachments change certain qualities of your firearms, and these changes can make your weapons more effective or harder to use, depending on the situation.

    When you level up a weapon to max rank, you then unlock the attachments tuning for that weapon. In-game, sliders appear for each attachment you have, and you can move these sliders to fine-tune the changes those attachments make to your weapons.

    So, for example, you have an aiming attachment that makes it easier to aim at enemies from afar. When the attachments setting is unlocked, you can use the slider to speed up aiming, meaning you're more likely to hit an enemy from afar before they even notice you.

    Although the system seems obtuse and difficult to understand for non-gamers, you can imagine how seriously it affected the experience of gamers. Call of duty community. It's likely that a lot of high-level players were literally incapacitated or nerfed, simply because Infinity Ward took that whole system offline. While it was ultimately best that they removed it to identify and eliminate long-term gameplay issues, these are not decisions the developers can take lightly.

    Infinity Ward disabled the attachments setting late last month, citing instances where players who had five attachments enabled would crash their game. This was found to be the maximum number of attachments that could be used. on one weapon. It is therefore very likely that the highest level players, i.e. esports and competitive players, were the most affected by this removal.

    The day before, Infinity Ward also released their latest patch for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, and it came out so fast that they also released it without any patch notes. They also promised to share the patch notes later.

    While no one is telling Infinity Ward to hurry up, there is certainly an urgent need for them to explain all these latest fixes and changes they've made for the esports community to catch up. I hope they can publish this message to explain everything before the end of the week.

    Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is now playable on PC via Steam and Activision Blizzard client, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S.

    Source: Chronicle of video games

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