Black Ops Cold War Perks Guide - Best Multiplayer Perks

Black Ops Cold War Perks Guide - Best Multiplayer Perks

Perks are an important part of every Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War multiplayer loadout, but choosing the best ones can be a tough decision. Not all perks are available from the start, so you might have to work for a while to unlock the one you really want, and sometimes two great perks occupy the same slot. To help you narrow down your decision, we've compiled a list of the most useful perks in the game that fit every playstyle. These are the best perks in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War.

Best advantage 1

  • Bullet proof vest - Take less damage from enemy explosives and flame Molotovs and Combat Bow.
  • Tactical mask – Maximum resistance to Flashbang and Stun Grenade. Gas immunity.

Grenades and throwables are really powerful in Black Ops Cold War, so you're going to want to select a 1 perk that mitigates their effectiveness. If you find yourself constantly being blown up by frag grenades or semtex, use Tactical ballistic vest. This is especially useful if you're playing objective-based modes like Domination or Hardpoint where enemies love to spam explosives at the point.

Tactical mask accomplishes the same thing, only with flash grenades and stun grenades. These are particularly annoying in Black Ops Cold War, so use Tactical Mask to reduce the negative effects of the stun.

Best advantage 2

  • Scavenger – Replenish the ammo of fallen players.
  • Steward – Reload the equipment in 25 seconds.
  • Tracker – See the footprints of the enemy. Aim for enemies to reveal them on your team's minimap.

Every perk in the Perk 2 category is useful, but these three are a cut above the rest. Scavenger is a Call of Duty staple that many players have been using for years, letting you scavenge ammo from bodies so you never run out. You can not be wrong.

As we mentioned above, throwables are very powerful in Black Ops Cold War, and Steward Allows you to automatically regenerate grenades on a 25 second timer. If you want endless grenades, choose Quartermaster. You can throw kills and stuns as much as you want.

Finally, Tracker lets you see recent enemy footprints, which can help you keep track of that enemy you just lost in a corner. It also helps you see where enemies have been lately, so you don't get ambushed or run into an RV. If you don't want Scavenger or Quartermaster, Tracker is a nice bonus.

Best advantage 3

  • Phantom - Undetectable by enemy spy planes whenever you move, plant or defuse bombs, or control Scorestreaks.
  • Cold blood - AI controlled Scorestreaks will not target you. Player-controller Scorestreaks will not highlight you. Be cold on Thermal. Players in vehicles will not see your nameplate.
  • Ninja – Sprint more quietly. Field mic resistant when sprinting. Speak only when necessary.

Ghost is another classic Call of Duty perk that most players swear by. It makes you invisible to spy planes, preventing you from appearing as a red dot on enemy minimaps while you're moving. If you like running and shooting, Ghost is a must.

in cold blood is a bit more situational, but it's still incredibly useful. Scorestreaks like the Attack Helicopter won't target you and you won't be highlighted on thermal scopes (which will come in very handy once Black Ops Cold War weapons are added to Warzone). Enemy vehicles also won't see your nameplate, which is a godsend in Combined Arms. If you're frustrated with scores or play Combined Arms a lot, you can't go wrong with Cold-Blooded.

Ninja is perfect for racing and gunners who like to flank. It dampens the sound of your footsteps and prevents your operator from making excessive calls and revealing your location. You're not entirely silent, but you'll be very hard to hear unless the enemy is wearing a helmet and listening carefully. If you like sneaking up on enemies and surprising them with a shotgun or submachine gun, grab Ninja in your Perk 3 slot.

Call of Duty: Cold War Black Ops is now available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X | S.

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