Best Ways to Get Long Shots Easily in Call of Duty: Vanguard JT Isenhour | November 8, 2021 Let's go over the best way to keep the enemy in range.

Best Ways to Get Long Shots Easily in Call of Duty: Vanguard JT Isenhour | November 8, 2021 Let's go over the best way to keep the enemy in range.

Much like other entries in the Call of Duty franchise, Call of Duty: The Vanguard will require players to kill for the long haul in order to complete the challenges. Getting those long-term kills can be quite a task, as the main playstyle in Call of Duty games tends to be close combat. Call of Duty: Vanguard is no different in playstyle, so you'll need to adapt in order to get kills from long range. In this guide, we'll cover some tips and tricks you can use to help you get those long-winded medals.

How to get long range shots

Getting a long range kill is only described in game as a long range kill, it's not very helpful when trying to figure out how far away the enemy has to be from you for this account. It looks like you need about 30 yards between you and your target for this to count as a long range kill. Of course, this can be quite tricky to judge in-game and even more so in the middle of a shootout. to have more easily long distance fights you can follow these tips:

  • mount on corners and windows with long sight lines
  • play objective based game modes and cover the object from a distance
  • Play hardcore to kill enemies faster from a distance

In addition to following these tips, you can improve your long-term kill chances by using a Sniper Rifle or Marksman Rifle. If you want to use other weapon types, be sure to equip attachments that increase range and use a long-range sight. Using pistols and submachine guns will prove the most difficult to kill. This is when playing hardcore will help the most, as the time to kill will be much shorter from a distance.

By following these tips, you should have an easier time killing at long range. However, you'll still need to spend time on this, as you'll need to change your entire playstyle. You'll need to find spots you can hold on the maps so enemies are far enough away from you to kill. Think of yourself as an expert sniper waiting for the perfect shot, only to be called a camper by the enemy you've killed. Be sure to check out our other guides for Call of Duty: Vanguard.

Call of Duty: Vanguard is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S.

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