Best Submachine Guns in COD Mobile

Best Submachine Guns in COD Mobile

With COD Mobile Season 9 is out, there has been new content for fans to dive into from their phones. Zombies are back, along with nerfs and buffs to certain guns for multiplayer. With so many guns to choose from, it can take a while to try them all out and get a feel for which is best. The submachine gun class is for those who like to play aggressively while dealing heavy damage on the battlefield. We will share our Top Five Picks For The Best Submachine Guns In COD Mobile and explain why we think they come out on top.

Top 5 Submachine Guns in COD Mobile

Below are the top 5 submachine guns that offer the most consistency compared to other submachine guns in the game. These can clear a room quickly in close combat; some even help you take out your opponent from a distance if you find yourself in a mid-range fight. Here are the top 5 best submachine guns, from biggest to best, that will allow you to maximize your kills in a match.


This gun has a recoil that takes some getting used to, but once you get the hang of it, it's an absolute beast. The PPSh-41 should be used primarily for close-range firefights, so you need to play aggressively to flank and close in on your enemies. Playing tactical is also smart here, as you can overpower those who enter your zone without knowing you're there.

KSP 45

This one is geared more towards players who naturally have a big aim. The KSP 45 has the smallest burst spread among its competitors, and the burst recoil is low, making it perfect for close-range combat. The only area it lacks is gunfights which require range, so make sure you're always aware of your position relative to your opponents on the battlefield and try to close the gap.


The QQ9 is famous for its ability to dominate one-on-one firefights with its high damage output and high-velocity fire rate. Time to kill is fast in close combat, allowing you to kill your enemy faster than most weapons available in the game. to be precise all the time. Still, this weapon's ability to clear a room makes up for its one downside.


This SMG has recently received upgrades in recent patches, making it one of the best guns in the game. The high damage output and high-speed rate of fire make it a tough challenge to compete against. Accuracy is geared more towards close-range fights, but accuracy is good enough to get you out of a pickle taking out someone mid-range. Recent upgrades have also increased movement speed, making it perfect for the sprint and shooter style of play.

Switchblade X9

This is hands down the best SMG in Cod Mobile. Accuracy is top notch for close and medium range firefights, with damage being the highest. Not only that, but this gun's minimal recoil makes it easy to land shots on your targets effectively. Playing aggressively and rushing towards your opponents is the name of the game with this weapon, and the weapon's fast-paced mechanics make it difficult for your enemies to react. If you land your shots before your opponent, you have a better chance of winning, since the time to kill is very fast.

Now that you're ready with your submachine guns, check out our picks for the best assault rifles in COD Mobile. These spikes will pair perfectly with any of these submachine guns using the Overkill perk. Once you've mastered the use of these weapons, be sure to add some flair to your game by unlocking the Diamond camo!

Mobile call of duty is now available on mobile devices.

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